How we helped Naturevibe USA
boost sales through a data driven
performance strategy

Brand: Naturevibe Botanicals USA

About the Brand:

Naturevibe Botanicals is a homegrown organic supplements, raw foods and ingredients brand. They wanted to make an impact in the American market and wanted to be perceived as an American brand at heart. The major challenge was dealing with the competition as the market in the USA was overcrowded with health food brands.


To increase the brand’s visibility and help popularise its products in a competitive market while relating to the average consumer.

Our Research

Through our research and the learnings of the client we realised that Americans usually know what they want when it comes to health foods and they do not need to be sold on the product benefits. They usually purchase through word of mouth and what better way to convince them of the brands viability then through using influencers to talk to them in terms they could understand.

Work Done 

We were responsible for managing the brands social media communications specifically Instagram marketing. We also used remarketing and custom audience targeting to develop the brand and boosts sales on it’s website, which wasn’t their primary mode of selling their products. We are currently working on ways to expand the revenue from their website so they can rely less heavily on marketplaces for their sales.

Activations Pursued:

We focussed on a more natural, organic way of marketing, by connecting with influencers that were in the space of health, wellness, vegan cooking, lifestyle and allied fields. We sent out samples to these influencers and collaborated with them to create delicious dishes like smoothies, cookies, keto snacks and the like. These recipes were shared universally on the influencers’ well trafficked Instagram pages, with relevant tagging and mentions to the brand. These recipes were then collected and leveraged on the brand’s Instagram page, completely changing the type of content the brand has on offer.

This activity has been supported by smart and conscientious spending on Instagram ads. Most posts are not boosted and receive incredible traction on their own merit. Influencers are queuing up to become associated with the new brand which is growing in popularity in their sphere rather rapidly.

Net Result: 

  • Excellent mileage for the brand
  • Great collaborations with innovative influencers
  • Complete change of the content on display
  • Excellent traction on social media
  • Increased engagement on the page


Naturevibe Botanicals USA is a relatively new player in the crowded American wellness, holistic living and nutraceuticals market. This change in strategy has positively impacted the image, perception and overall ethos of the brand, also indirectly increasing sales by a significant margin.

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